
Contact Numbers

+63 45 981 5564 | +63 999 713 8844

Email Address

[email protected]

Privacy Policy

Argao Health Inc., doing business as Argao Psych, hereinafter the “Company”, acquires and stores data in line with the services you avail. The Company assures its clients that we ensure the confidentiality and security of the data we acquire. Please read this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”) as it describes the information we collect and what happens to the information. This Policy was last updated on 01 August 2023 and is subject to change at any time, without prior notice.


By engaging/availing our services and using our websites, telepsychology platform,  WebApp, online scheduling system, and online test administration platform (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Platforms”) constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy. This Policy is supplementary and forms part of the Company’s Terms and Conditions AND/OR Service Contracts entered with the Company.



1.1. We collect the following information about you when you engage our services, register for an account, register for our training or seminars, book/schedule an appointment, take our online/in-clinic tests, use our telepsychology platform, and when you transact with us regarding our services. Information we collect and store include:

    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Middle Name
    • Date of Birth
    • Sex and Gender
    • Religion
    • E-mail Address
    • Contact Information
    • Billing or Mailing Address (Complete Address)
    • Emergency Contact Information
    • Medical and Health Information
    • Family, Social, and Personal history
    • Psychology-related information
    • Employment Information
    • Information from collateral sources
    • Information regarding profession and/or license (for training, seminar, or CPD programs only)

1.2. Our websites and Platforms also automatically track information such as internet protocol (IP) address, browser types, device used to access the site, date and time of access, and location of access. This information is used to monitor site use and for website analytics.

1.3. Our Payment Gateways (i.e. Mobile Banking, payment platforms Paymongo, PayPal, or GCash) may collect information related to your payment transactions which may include credit card information, bank account information, billing address, name, contact information, and e-mail. This information is not accessible nor available to us and are solely stored and managed by the Payment Gateways.



The Company collects your information and personal data for the following purposes:

2.1. Personal information collected in the course of our services that includes those stated in Section I Clause 1.1. are used for case management, patient/client management, technical and customer support, e-commerce and related services, transactions between the Company and the client/patient, billing, collection of payment, and assisting law enforcement efforts on collecting debts and bills;

2.2 To assist in the development of assessment reports, evaluation reports, or psychological reports;

2.3. To guide treatment planning and decision-making;

2.4. For monthly utilization reports and analytics;

2.5. For information collected in relation to seminars, workshops, or continuing professional development programs, such information may be used for regulatory and reportorial purposes required by regulatory bodies such as the Professional Regulatory Commission; and,

2.6. For outcomes research.



3.1. The Company does not disclose information and personal data to third parties, unless we have acquired your written, digital, or recorded consent or as provided by law.

3.2. Professional Information acquired in relation to continuing development programs is transmitted to the Professional Regulation Commission and included in the reportorial requirements set by the said Commission.

3.3. Information and Personal data obtained will be kept confidential, subject to provisions of applicable laws.



4.1 The Company stores your personal data and information within its physical file storages and case files, electronic health records, servers, databases, and storage in relation to the purposes stated in this Policy.

4.2. The Company has contracted the services of third-party providers for our Platforms. Our Platforms store data on their servers which are based in the United States of America. All data on the platforms are encrypted and stored securely and in compliance with privacy laws of the Republic of the Philippines and of the United States of America.

4.3. The Company destroys documents and deletes information related to the availed services one (1) year after the services have been terminated.

4.4. For CPD Programs, we delete personal and professional information one (1) calendar year after the said information have been submitted to the Professional Regulation Commission, when applicable, for reportorial and monitoring purposes.

4.5. We may store information longer if we deem necessary and as permitted by Law.

4.6. Physical documents containing personal data are stored in secured locations accessible only to the Company’s authorized personnel.



5.1. The Company makes all reasonable arrangements to ensure that personal data and information that we collect and stored are protected against unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, or similar risks.

5.2. Our websites and Platforms use security software, programs, and/or services to help secure the stored data. Unfortunately, transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We do our best to protect your data, but we cannot guarantee the security of the data you transmit to our site. Any transmission is at your own risk.

5.3. The client/patient takes personal responsibility for information transmitted to our websites and through e-mail. The Company is not responsible for security of the user’s own browser, internet connection, or device.



6.1. The Company shall not be liable for information collected, stored, and disposed by our payment gateways. Payment gateways and systems have their respective Privacy Policies and those shall apply for the data and information they collect and manage.

6.2. The Company shall also not be liable for the handling and storage of information submitted to or collected and stored by regulatory bodies.

6.3. The Company has contracted the services of third-party providers for our Platforms. The third-party providers have been selected with data privacy and security as a primary consideration. Our Platform providers guarantee that their data processing is compliant with privacy laws and the security of data that is collected and stored. However, the third-party Platform providers shall be responsible and takes liability for the security of data collected and stored in their servers and databases.



7.1. The Company reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time with or without notice. The updated Privacy Policy shall be made available on our websites.


Argao Health Inc. (Argao Psych)

2nd Floor Argao Bldg., A. Consunji St.,

Queensborough Executive Village,

San Jose, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

2000 Republic of the Philippines

+63 995 794 9642

[email protected]